Posts tagged #Mad Men

Watch this space...

Well I've been too too slack here at Mediation Like A Fox the past few months, but that's about to change! I've finished my coursework now, so I'll have a lot more time to focus on this blog. I have a few new media opportunities popping up in the coming weeks/months, so hopefully I'll be inspired by some of the social media happenings I see around.

I've recently written an essay for uni about Mad Men, and also one about Google. If you haven't heard of Mad Men, how's life under the rock? If you haven't heard of Google, how are you reading this?

Over the next few days I'll be posting some of my musings on Mad Men's third season, inspired by my essay.  The Google one I also hope to adapt to a blog post, but I have to check out some things with it first, so that might take a bit longer.

I hope to get a few more readers, I'll be posting a lot more and be promoting the blog on Twitter and Facebook and things.

Bring on the summer!

Posted on November 13, 2009 and filed under General musings, Uni-related.