Posts tagged #WordPress issues

It begins...

Hi there, So this is my new blog for the Advanced Editing for Digital Media class for my Masters in Global Media Communications at Melbourne Uni (semester 1).

I've never used WordPress before, so bear with me, gentle readers, as I navigate and edit my way through this new platform.  I had a Blogger blog a few years ago, filled it with content on boys and...other stuff I can't remember. But I got bored of it. I also decided to start a blog about online film fans called Fandomonia, but that never got off the ground.

I always felt that I was held back by my lack of HTML skills to really get my blog to be what I wanted it to be. Hopefully this semester I'll learn some more and be able to edit it much more freely.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I promise (sorta) that further writings will be a little more interesting.

Posted on March 4, 2009 and filed under General musings.