Posts tagged #new media

New look

I've had a makeover! And by me I mean this blog. What used to be 'Publishing Like a Fox' is now 'Mediation Like a Fox' and the blog is up and running. Woo hoo! Basically I've wanted to get a blog about media and pop culture up and running for a long time, so I will use the blog already started to get going on some new, fresh content. Its going to be less about web publishing (although I may still have stuff to say about that) and more about new media and culture.

I'll write about issues in media like digital media, journalism, politics, tech news, new online social movements, film, TV, music, fandom, websites and online media, memes, subculture, audiences, publishing, copyright, ecommerce, current affairs...really anything that takes my fancy. All of these issues interest me, and all of them can be connected and fall under the wide banner of media and culture (which are almost the same thing, some might suggest). Who knows, I may even dabble in some review writing if I feel so inclined.

I feel the most important thing about this blog is that I find a voice and carve out a position for myself on the interwebs. I feel I have things to say, and I want to say them. It is too early to really know the true direction or form this blog will take. The important thing is that I want write something that is interesting, relevant and above all enjoyable.

So I hope readers enjoy this. I'm really looking forward to getting right into it, I plan on making time to post on average once a day about something, even if it's a small post.



Posted on June 20, 2009 and filed under General musings.