Posts tagged #oscars live blog

Oscars Live Blog 2010 - Stef goes to Hollywood *CEREMONY*

And now, lets hope Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin bring the funny. It can't be worse than Hugh Jackman last year. Sound levels for NPH opening is a bit off.

Martin's joke about Waltz hitting the motherload of Jews was pretty great.

Yes - Waltz won! I liked the extended clips.

So far the awards have been as predicted, Best Supporting Actor (Waltz), Best Song (Crazy Heart, T-Bone), Best Animated Feature (Up). Bring on more hosts!

First upset of the night is The Hurt Locker guy winning Original Screenplay over QT for Inglourious Basterds. This means The Hurt Locker will win best picture. This is good because Avatar won't win.

One of the biggest EPIC montages for John Hughes I've ever seen. So many 80s stars!!!  LOVE.

YES - There was a train wreck moment - Some crazy woman crashed the stage during Best Documentary Short.

Precious winning best Adapted Screenplay over Up In The Air is also a bit of an upset. So, so far, the writing categories have been telling.

Mo'Nique winning - Yet another given. I'm glad she didn't go on.

Best dressed goes to the Costume Designer for the Young Victoria. Wow.

Hurt Locker is winning the Sound Awards - IT WILL WIN BEST PICTURE.

James Taylor dong the Memorial. BORING. Poor James, it's his only gig these days. He's pitchy too. /Idol.

It wouldn't be an Oscars night without an interprative dance montage. YAWN.

Tonight is kinda boring.

The two married editors for The Hurt Locker are ADORABLE!!!! They've been let out of their box for a bit and they're loving it!

It is pretty awful when they play people off and then let Jeff Bridges go on and on and on and on...

Also, WTF is with the former co-stars playing tribute??? It is weird and awkward.

Bullock - Huh. Pish.

Bigelow wins for director and The Hurt Locker wins best picture. All in all, I think Inglourious Basterds was a better film, but I'm happy for Bigelow (International Woman's Day!) and AVATAR DIDN'T WIN!

Also, Renner, Mackie and Geraghty humping in the background - Nice touch!

Posted on March 8, 2010 and filed under Oscars.

Oscars Live Blog 2010 - Stef goes to Hollywood *RED CARPET*

Hi everyone! *cricket riding a tumbleweed* I'm watching this at Livestream, the AP coverage.

It's alive! I have resurrected the blog so you can hear the ramblings of me - someone who has an unhealthy obsession with celebrity and meaningless awards, you can thank me later.

I have opinions that are both shallow and snobby, so hopefully there will be a nice balance between dress-snarkiness and actual film knowledge.

I hope you enjoy.

My times will be in Australian EDT because I'm not so good at maths, working down the page.


9.50 - Chef Wolfgang Puck is talking about all the Austrians nominated. He's talking about THE man of the night - Christoph Waltz, who is the biggest lock I've seen in ages: Best Supporting Actor for playing Hans Landa in Ingourious Basterds (My favourite of the year)

9.53 - Why is the redhead vamp from True Blood here? (I think her name is Deborah Ann Woll)

9.56 - For a stylist, Sam Worthington's gf is surprisingly off-trend, those hip-accentuated dresses are a bit 9 months ago. And her hair is bad.

9.57 - EFRON ALERT!!! He has spiked his hair. Aw.

9.59 - Virginia Masden? Huh, I was just thinking last night about her, and how her supposed 'comeback' after Sideways...wasn't.

10.07 - The AP Fashion lady is so annoying, And SURPRISE SURPRISE Pat Field is giving special comments. I want my money back! (What? Oh yeah I've paid naught) ...They are talking. I'm getting a coffee.

10.19 - Less talky, more dresses AP!!! Ha! The reporter just called Worthington 'Sam Washington' Oh he's wearing Payless Shoes. "I'm presentin' with J'Lo" - It's hard to hate him.

10.29 - Anna Kendrick - Is wearing the colour of the season - Peach. Ugh. - It's Saab.

Confession - Anna Kendrick's hairline sorta weirds me out. AND STOP THE PRESS: The small town girl from Maine "can't believe she's here."

10.31 - The Tuohy's (whom the film The Blind Side is based on) just said they prepare for the Oscars by taking Tylanol. My kind of people.

10.35 - CHRIST does Maggie Gyllenhaal ever dress like she's not at the beach? She needs to move away from print.

10.40 - JEREMY RENNER!!!! He's amazing. Jeremy! Make out with me!!! NO! Make out with Eli Roth!

10.44 - Tina Fey looks pretty good, but I'm not digging the big hair.

10.45 - Mo'Nique - CLASS. She looks amazing. Doesn't shave her legs.  LOVE THE FLOWER IN HER HAIR. (It is a Gardenia, the same as Hattie McDaniel) Like Waltz, she is a lock.

10.48 - AND THERE'S ELI ROTH. Oh Diane Kruger. You so crazy.

10.50 - Oh WOW - Sandra Bullock looks pretty amazing.

10.52 - But in other news - I HATE THIS (Zoe Saldana).

No, seriously MAKE OUT NOW!!!

11.00 - Oh my, Anthony Mackie of the Hurt Locker is quite charming. He is rockin' Burberry.  I remember when Adrien Brody won and he was wearing Zegna. Introduced me to that label.

11.16 - Um, the lady from AP just said Jeremy was wearing Payless Shoes. That would be Sam Worthington. Peter Sarsgaard goes 'Oh really!?!' - He knows that ain't right, Renner ain't no cheapo.

11.20 - I don't hate Carey Mulligan's dress. What a relief.

11.22 - James Cameron is sorta coming across as a nice guy. WHAT IS GOING ON!??

11.26 - This AP chick is GOLD - Clooney is, apparently, 'the spokesperson for Hollywood.'

11.28 - Eli says QT was DJing their pre-party. Quentin sounds ROUGH. He has been doing a lot of coke.

AP Idiot just got Worthington and Renner mixed up AGAIN! Bish, please.

Charlize's dress looks weird. Boob covers WTF?

11.44 - Oh Jesus Miley Cyrus is awful. She opens her mouth and just...ick.

11.50 - WOAH. Winslet diamond alert. Now THAT'S a necklace.

OK. The AP's Red Carpet Coverage was shite. Ugh. I think I'll start a new post for the Ceremony, because this is getting too long. Thanks for reading.

Posted on March 8, 2010 and filed under Oscars.